CUMC youth are active in a variety  of activities ranging from Community Outreach to Introspective/Informative Outings, Missions, and just plain Fun.  We gather regularly on Sunday evenings – a great time to connect with each other before a new week – but other activities happen at a variety of times.  Join us!


  • JYF – Junior Youth Fellowship (grades 6-8)  meets Sundays  at 5:30 pm in the youth lounge on the lower level.
  • SYF – Senior Youth Fellowship (grades 9-12)  meets Sundays at 6:30 pm in the youth lounge on the lower level.


RISE is our summer mission trip for Senior High Youth and many have said it’s the best week of the year!  Of course a lot of fun is had during the fundraisers throughout the year too: car wash, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Sticky Bun sales, Open Mic & Potato Bar, Pizza Night…  To learn more about the program and to read about our recent trip, click here:


Action Against Hunger

In the fall,  CUMC youth join with people throughout Northern NJ for Action Against Hunger.  We run a food drive at the King’s in Chatham hoping to collect over 700 lbs. of food (cash too!) for the Interfaith Food Pantry.  Stop by and support us!


Congratulations & Thank You!! Together our team earned over $1,200!! CUMC Youth joined together with 1000 walkers to raise funds for the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center and increase understanding about the problems of hunger and homelessness in our community.  We assumed the identities of composite Soup Kitchen guests and tracked their stories through cards handed out at story stations during the walk.

Hungerwalk is a 5K pledge walk to raise money to benefit the Community Soup Kitchen in Morristown.

Game Night

Whether it’s Apples to Apples, Telestrations, Hearts… this is always a good night to bring friends for fun and fellowship in Rodda Hall.

Giving Tree

Through the Giving Tree we inspire the congregation to donate toys and clothes to kids in need at Christmas time.


A favorite of the Christmas season:  caroling to shut-ins…and sometimes friends and neighbors too!

Taizé Prayer Services

Come experience a way of connecting with God that has inspired hundreds of thousands of young people around the world.  If you think you might be interested in being part of the next pilgrimage to Taizé in France, this 45 min. of prayer and singing is a good way to get a feel for what Taizé is about.  And if overseas travel is not in your future, this is a way to connect with the world without leaving NJ.

Trips & Excursions

Corn Maze, Confirmation trip to Philadelphia, beach trip, movie viewings, ice cream/fro-yo, labyrinth walks, amusement park outings, interfaith events, football games….