Thank you for visiting  the Chatham UMC Library page. You will find information to help you find books, videos, and historically significant items within the CUMC Library. Files in PDF format are searchable, as noted below.

Library Holdings: The CUMC Library has more than 2,200 books and DVDs, all of which are listed in the PDF file labeled Library Holdings, a searchable file. Searching instructions can be found below. Click here to download the Library’s holdings.

Book & Video Reviews: Reviews of books and videos that are found to be valuable for spiritual growth or of historical significance can be found in the weekly e-newsletter. Contact us if you have questions about the reviews or the newsletter.

Historical Documents

Historically Significant Items: Many historical items are maintained in our Library. Some documents are searchable PDFs. Audio recordings are MP3s on CDs. Some items are small enough to be emailed to you*; others may be borrowed from the Library. These items include:

  • CUMC special events and anniversary documents (1899, 1900, 1932, 1961, 1963)
  • Circuit Riders newsletters
  • Worship Service Bulletins 
  • Sermons (from 1959 on)

*Contact Stu Shippey for some items that can be emailed to you.

Searching Instructions for Library Holdings:

Download the Library Holdings PDF file from the Library webpage onto a computer, open the PDF file in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Click Edit, click Find, type a word you are looking for, then click Next. The screen will stop at the first word found. Click Next again to find the next listing, etc. Alternately, you can use the Find Text tool on the upper left of the PDF file. If no results are found, then that word is not among the listings.

Contact Information:

Stu Shippey        

Ronald Yarger    

Betty Anne Keat