Below is a small sample of ways you can help or virtually volunteer during this crisis.

Click Here for the Facebook page.

Click Here to Read Press Release about “Helping Hands”

  • Chatham/Madison FLAG (Frontline Appreciation Group) Support First Responders and Local Small Businesses by Clicking Here
  • Drew University Center for Civic Engagement ( Feel free to explore what we are doing and how we are engaging the Drew and surrounding communities.

NEW Virtual Volunteering!

  • Help The Interfaith Food Pantry by donating to Habitat for Humanity’s VIRTUAL FOOD DRIVE by Clicking Here
  • Chatham UMC and Green Village UMC are supporting each others’ ministries!
    Chatham UMC is grateful for the donations of non-perishable food items that are frequently donated by our Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Green Village UMC to support the Chatham UMC Food Pantry.
    Chatham UMC would like to support a ministry that benefits the Green Village UMC. They have instituted a book drop box for the greater community to give books that are used but in good condition. More detailed information is below. information below. If you have questions, please contact Tiffany W at
    The Green Village UMC now has a book donation bin! Donate any book with an ISBN barcode on the back cover, that is in good, readable condition. Hardcover, paperback and textbooks are all welcome! The bin cannot accept encyclopedias, library reference books, magazines, water damaged books, or books without an ISBN.
    You can drop books off in the bin alongside the church any day/time! The Green Village UMC is located at 500 Spring Valley Rd, Green Village (about two miles from Chatham ShopRite and just past the Green Village Deli). The bin is a fundraiser for the Green Village UMC.